Frances Maples

1:49 PM

What do you think is the most important thing for young girls to know about their bodies as they grow older? 

NO TWO PEOPLE ARE ALIKE.  Similar, sure! But you cannot be someone else no matter how hard you try.  There was a specific reason you were born into the beautiful body you have.  You were given your amazing attributes for a reason, and you just have to figure that out. Your body was created just for you, how cool is that?! We need to be proud of the bodies we are given and celebrate them, take care of them, keep them healthy.  It is so amazing to be lucky enough to be able to share our message of body image and celebrate ourselves.  We can't be someone else.  We just can't.  And odds are, that person that you want to be probably wants to be like someone else.  We never know everyone's struggles, so what we can do is embrace ourselves and try to help others to do the same.  We are so blessed!

What is a quote or saying that makes you feel great about yourself?

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."  - The Little Prince

What does self-love mean to you?

Self-love means that it is about ME.  This isn't about how someone else sees me, and this isn't about someone else praising me for loving myself.  It is me: my body, my happiness, my attributes, my uniqueness that I am blessed to have.  Self-love isn't something that comes about in a day or a week, it is a process and an extremely difficult one.  It is a journey and when we reach the destination, we will see that the journey was worth it.  The end result IS what it should be - that we are made perfect for ourselves and for no one else.
What's one star/ model etc. that you feel is really embracing their body and who they are as a person? 

How do you feel negative body image affects women in their daily life?

It is absolutely crippling.  Not only to your self esteem, but to your whole life.  It snowballs into this giant "thing" that you cannot get rid of.  When you wake up, there it is, when you pass by a mirror, there it is.  It dehumanizes women and spreads a message that our most important part of us is our bodies.  Pardon me, but I think my brain is pretty important.  I think my faith is pretty important.  I think my ethics and morals are pretty important.  I think my passions are pretty important.  My body is where all of these aspects of me are housed! 

What is a personal experience with your own body image that you would like to share?

Growing up, I knew that I wasn't the skinniest.  I knew I was not tiny.  I was bigger, taller, and just more person.  I didn't even know what being self conscious meant, but there I was, as self conscious as I would ever be.  How are we supposed to allow children in our society have these negative body images if they can't even define most of the words that are associated with it?  Children shouldn't be worried about their figure and their clothing size.  When I moved oversees, I really felt that size was a number and being perfectly me was perfectly fine.  Of course body image is an issue world wide, but I realized how much worse it is in the United States.  My body is mine and though I may not be perfectly ok with it every single day, I am working on it, and I know I have more support than I could have ever hoped from these wonderful women I am lucky enough to call my Tri Delta sisters.  The fact that this sorority has a whole position dedicated to body image says something without needing an explanation. 

Side note: It isn't easy to accept your body and there are days when you may not want to look in the mirror.  That's ok! We can't be flawlessly optimistic every single day, but we can sure as hell try.  Trying is the first step.  Instead of creating this negative self-image, look at yourself in a positive light and I promise you will like what you find.  Don't give up.  Ask for help! Whether you are male or female- we all have the potential to love ourselves.

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