Kiva Talty

6:47 AM

When do you feel the most beautiful? 

When I’m all dolled up, of course! Probably when I wear a good fitting dress, something that’s comfortable or flattering, I feel the most beautiful. But I think most girls feel that, when they have the opportunity to show off their beauty with a big event like a dance or such.

What do you think is the most important thing for young girls to know about their bodies as they grow older? 

Your body is yours. Don’t ever, and I mean this, EVER, let someone tell you what to do with your body. Growing up I had a constant reminder from someone that maybe I should be a little more active, maybe I shouldn’t wear that dress or that top, or maybe I should lay off the sweets. All it did was make me retaliate externally, but internally I was dissecting myself in front of the mirror, pinching and stretching my waist and thighs. It took me almost 16 years to realize that regardless of what other people say, this body belongs to me, and I decide how I treat it.

What is a quote or saying that makes you feel great about yourself?

“Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident, and riches take wings. Only one thing endures, and that is character.” -Horace Greeley

How do you feel the media’s portrayal of women’s bodies influences women’s body image?

Drastically, more than we let on. We might pick up a magazine in the checkout line at the grocery store, and put it down without another thought, but I think for a moment we might think to ourselves, “Wow, I wish I had that bone structure” or “Her complexion is way better than mine” or even “How do I get those breasts?” We take those thoughts with us and they hang around, that’s for sure. Since the media is everywhere we look now, it’s hard to escape that and disregard those wild representations. 


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