Darian Price

6:00 AM

When do you feel the most beautiful? 
I think I feel most beautiful when I am able to do the thing I love most which is dance. The best part about it is that I feel beautiful, because I feel no pressure in being something that other's want me to be. Dance is a way to get away from all the negativity and that is one of the best parts about it. 

What do you think is the most important thing for young girls to know about their bodies as they grow older? 
Your bodies will go through change, there will be moments when you feel like the smallest person in the world and then there will be those moments when you feel like the most beautiful. The most important thing to keep in mind is through all of the times, good and bad, you are beautiful. Those changes are only noticed by you and no one else, don't be so harsh, it's a part of life that each girl has to go through. 

How do you feel the media’s portrayal of women’s bodies influences women’s body image?
The media influences body image in a very negative way for me. I can't look at a magazine, Instagram, Facebook, or anything online without comparing my body to those of a model or movie star, but I always try to remind myself that those women are edited and even they have thoughts like I do about their bodies. I also think, these women have physical trainers that help them every day, and I can not afford that. So I try not to compare my body to theirs although it is difficult when all ads these days are full of barely clothed women.

 What is a quote or saying that makes you feel great about yourself?
" You shine and you can't even help it"
Most people don't get this one, but the way I look at is that even when I feel badly about my body, others see it shining and I can't help that. So even on my bad days, some one sees me as beautiful and no matter what I do, nothing will change their mind about it.

What is a personal experience with your own body image that you would like to share? 
As a female, going to the beach is one of the most stressful times of the year, we all are scared to step out in front of lots of people with basically just a bra and panties on. I am usually okay with going to the beach and showing my body…don't get me wrong I still get anxiety, but I act confident. This particular time I was with friends and I felt terrible about myself and did not want to take my shirt off. When I finally decided to just lay there and focus on tanning, my friends were giving me compliments on my body. Saying things like  " wow! Darian you look so great today!" As I heard all this, I finally realized how harsh I am on myself about my body. No woman, no matter what shape they have, should worry about what they look like, because to someone else, you look amazing! After this certain situation, those compliments have stuck with me and every time I slip into my bikini I replay those words in my head and tell, not convince, myself that I am beautiful. There is always someone who looks at you and dreams of your body, keep that in mind and show that girl that it's not your body they want, but your confidence, because a confident smile and woman is more beautiful than any six pack or edited thigh gap.   

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